Business Practice (RIMS)


This General Education and Training Certificate: Business Practice is for utilization by all members of the population. Anyone preparing to become employed, or self-employed, in any business whatsoever would be the persons most likely to be attracted to this qualification. In fact, many newly (or not-so-newly) appointed personnel, or struggling entrepreneurs, could benefit from part or all of this qualification. It seeks to embed the six key literacies required by business organizations: Numeracy, Literacy, Entrepreneurial, Financial, Technological and Cognitive.

The GETC: Business Practice integrates the literacies into one qualification while also allowing each to be addressed separately in short courses and skills programs, based on the constituent unit standards.

Furthermore, this Certificate allows a seamless movement into the New Venture Creation learning way, thus providing bridging between South Africa's First and second Economies.

The Fundamental Component of the qualification enables learners to communicate and work with figures in a business environment, while the Core component offers empowerment in the areas of technology, life orientation, human and social sciences (customer service), economics and management (entrepreneurship), as well as cognition theory and practice. The qualification is aimed particularly at entry-level personnel, including those that operate their own business or are part owners in a business. It provides a grounding in the key business essentials while offering a range of elective choices which assist in preparing learners for the world of work.

The GETC would also suit non-entrepreneurs as it offers all the grounding required for operating in the business environment in South Africa.

The learner successfully completing this qualification will have gained the knowledge and ability to:

  • Use fundamental skills in a business environment.
  • Make appropriate use of Information and Communications Technology in an office setting.
  • Incorporate a range of life skills in an employment or self-employment situation.